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Destinata (Valguard) Page 13
Destinata (Valguard) Read online
Page 13
“Mike. Can Charlie and I have a chat with you?”
“Sure, what’s up? Something wrong with the coffee?”
“No, nothing like that. Is there somewhere else we can talk?”
Mikal looked around the shop quickly before getting someone to take over the counter and waving them into the back office. It was a tiny office, no bigger than their bathroom back at the Oak Street house but Mikal had made it comfortable enough. There was a small mahogany desk in the middle of the room with only a few papers and a pen residing on it. Two leather bucket seats sat on the door side of the desk and a larger high-backed chair sat on the other. Mikal moved around to the high-backed chair and motioned for them to sit in the bucket seats. They did so without letting their clasp on each other’s hand go.
“So. What’s going on that you needed to talk in private Zane?”
“Charlie just wants to tell you something is all. She’s a little nervous, I thought it would be better in private.”
“Ahh… You have nothing to be nervous over Charlie. What did you want to tell me?”
Right, this was it. This was the time she needed to step up and confront him. Taking a deep breath and never maintaining eye contact for more than a few seconds Charlie decided on which rehearsed lie she would tell and went for it.
“I know you’re my father Mikal. My mom died two weeks ago, I’ve been going through her belongings. It seems before she was taken away to the mental institute she wrote me a letter. In it, she explained everything, she wrote about you coming to town and finding out what you were and forgetting but remembering through the years and then forgetting again. She named you as my father and head of the Valguard.”
She left it there for a moment letting it sink in that she knew more than he thought, waiting to see if he bought the lie.
“Charlie I…”
“Save the apologies Mikal, I just wanted you to know that I knew. What I want to know now is why in eighteen years haven’t you ever told me? I really could have done with a dad sometimes you know.”
“You have to understand. Being the head Valguard’s daughter and half human isn’t something you want to be. I thought I was protecting you by keeping you in the dark.”
“Yea? Well guess what… I’m in more danger now than ever. At least if you had told me, I would have been able to prepare. Now what chance do I stand?”
Charlie slowly lifted the sunglasses that were a necessity to wear in public now and showed Mikal her eyes. He gave an audible gasp and then closed his eyes. He looked like he was in pain.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t understand why though. Your Valguard blood should never have been able to take over unless you were told and consciously let it. I never thought you would find out.”
“Well, I did. But I have never consciously let my Valguard blood take over. I’m different. My mood affects the glow in the eyes, which I guess means that it affects the amount of dormant – or not so dormant anymore – Valguard blood that bonds with my human DNA. I never had a choice. I started to change before I even knew what I was and I certainly never let it.”
She knew she was repeating herself but she wanted to make Mikal realize that no matter what he had done or thought for the last eighteen years, she had never had a choice in the matter. She was part Valguard and it seemed that part of her genetic makeup was going to show up at some time or another whether she wanted it to or not.
“So why are you here now? I can see that there is more to this than wanting me to know that you found out about me. What else is going on?”
This was the moment she had been waiting for. She would know now whether Mikal was directing the orders for the attack or not.
“As head Valguard, I figured you would already know the reason for my visit?”
“I have no idea what you are doing here other than to tell me what you already have and I don’t like suspense Charlie. I can’t ever read a book front to back, I always skip to the last page to find out what happens, so please just spit it out already.”
After a moment of shock at being told that her father had the same issues she did with mysteries she looked down into her lap embarrassed.
“Me too.”
The words were only audible to her ears and possibly Zane’s who was at least three foot closer to her than Mikal.
“Nothing. Your Valguard’s are preparing an attack on the town. They’re sick of sitting back and being inferior to the humans. They’ve overthrown you obviously and are planning an uprising for some time in the next week. I’m their primary target. They know that I’m the only one who can stop the war. Once they take me out, they will take over the town first and then move into the larger cities, leaving destruction in their path. I’ve seen it. Well, flashes of it anyway.”
Mikal was thrown by this statement but quickly fixed his face so as not to show much emotion.
“What do you mean you have seen it? How could you possibly… Kara.”
“Yes Kara. It looks like it’s not only my Valguard blood that gives me abilities that are outside the norm.”
“You inherited her sight? I guess there’s nothing for it then. We’re going to war.”
“You’re not going to try and stop this? You’re going to fight with them? Against your own daughter?”
Charlie was becoming angry, she could see the reflection of her eyes glowing in her sunglasses and knew that if she were in a dark room she would be able to see as if it were daytime.
“What other choice do I have? Run? They would find me and besides, I’m not a coward.”
“Then fight with us not against us. Take your position back and lead them in the right direction. The humans and the Valguard have lived together harmoniously for more than twenty years. Most probably like it that way, they’re just afraid of whoever is leading them now.”
“It’s not as simple as that Charlie. More than a quarter of the humans in Tole work for them, do you think they are going to step down and fight with you? They are paid too well and protected by our kind above everything else. The only way this town runs as smoothly as it has done for so many years is because the humans here agree to help keep the secret and work with us. They aren’t going to give that up easily and I’ll be the first to go if I fight against them. It’s a simple choice to make. Self-preservation wins out.”
“You think they’re going to allow you to fight with them? They’ve already overthrown you, it’s only a matter of time before your self-preservation comes to an end. Zane, I think I’m done here. Let’s go home.”
Charlie stood, still clutching Zane’s hand, afraid if she let go she would fall over from the anger making her tremble all over. She reached the door before deciding on a final farewell. She reached up and lifted her glasses onto her head. Mikal couldn’t help the look of shock that crossed his face. Her eyes had been glowing earlier but now they were shining brighter than any Valguard he had ever seen, he quickly masked the shock to look like indifference but not before Charlie had already seen it.
“I guess this is goodbye for now then. I’ll see you soon Dad.”
She added the inflection on the last word as a reminder that he had helped create her and had once loved her mother and she knew her words had the desired effect when she saw a solitary tear run down to the corner of his mouth. She knew the next time she would see him would be on the battle front, poised and ready to kill his own daughter and now he knew it too. She put her glasses back down and walked slowly away from the coffee shop and towards home.
They were standing on the front porch of Zane’s house before she realized that the rain had started to ease up. It was still a steady drizzle, but nothing like the torrential rain of the last fortnight and she knew that the time of war was upon them. Judging by the rain, it would be less than two days before the fighting started. They were out of time and Charlie was out of patience.
Chapter Twelve
Breaking it off with Ford was the least Charlie could do in th
e situation. It would make him angry sure but she knew he would channel that anger into fighting against the Valguard when the time came. She knew she wasn’t getting out of this alive and although the decision to end their relationship was one of the hardest decisions she’d ever had to make it was necessary to push him to start grieving for her now instead of waiting until she died. Her only hope was that he would have enough anger left for her that it would ease his pain at her passing, even if it was just a small amount.
She was still standing on the porch hand in hand with Zane after seeing Mikal when the thought of ending things with Ford hit her hard. She knew it had been coming but it wasn’t until that moment that she had found the determination to actually do it. Finally letting go of Zane’s hand she opened the door and walked inside to find her boyfriend and break his heart.
She found him pacing in the lounge clearly waiting for her nervously. One look at the concern on his face and her resolve faltered, not enough to entirely give up on the idea but enough to make her question her decision.
No, I have to do this. It’ll only hurt him worse if I don’t.
Ford sprang forward with renewed vigor and practically smothered Charlie in bear hugs and kisses. They broke apart and started laughing. It was nice to have a moment of happiness, even if it was only for a moment.
“Charlie, I am so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or told you what to do but I just…”
“Ford stop. Thank you for the apology but it’s really not necessary. Really.”
Charlie couldn’t help thinking that he really did need to apologize for the way he had acted but there was no way she was going to let him get any further considering what she was about to do.
“Can we go somewhere and talk?”
She could see on his face that he knew something was about to happen that he wouldn’t like but he wouldn’t deny her anything, he never had been able to and that wasn’t going to change just because he knew he wasn’t going to like what she had to say.
“Sure, where do you want to go?”
Charlie pointed up and he knew that she meant the attic. When they were younger, any time they wanted to get away from their parents they would always hide in the attic. They would stay in there for hours trying on dusty clothes, reading through old newspapers and exploring the many wonders of the world of lost stuff in the top of the house.
“Yea ok, not here though. At your place.”
Charlie felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack, how could she do this to him? He’d never done anything to deserve something so rotten. She took a deep calming breath before walking into her house. It was strange, she had lived here for years but the place didn’t feel like home anymore. El’ and Matt were sitting huddled up on the lounge watching something on T.V when they walked in, they waved but didn’t think anything of the pair that hadn’t graced the walls of the house for a whole fortnight now. They continued on with a quick wave and moved up stairs to the attic. Charlie had forgotten about the love seat at the back wall of the upstairs room but Ford hadn’t, he made his way straight to it while Charlie hesitated by the door way. Is this why he wanted to talk here? Because he knew that it would bring back fond childhood memories for Charlie? Because he knew it would make it harder for her to do what she needed to protect him from as much hurt as possible?
Ugh! I’m a horrible person!
She sat next to him and feeling the sting in the corner of her eyes she was aware that the quicker this was done the better; just like ripping a band aid off. She had already decided on a lie to tell him, although not exactly a lie more of an extension of the truth but one that was sure to make him angry as hell with her and hopefully with every Valguard he came in contact with and so she began.
“Ford, you know I love you.”
“But, I need to move forward. I can’t keep holding onto the past and my childhood. I’ve loved you since the day I met you and I thought I wanted to be with you but people change, they grow and they grow apart. I can’t keep leading you on when I’m in love with someone else at the same time.”
The shift from worry to anger was instant on Ford’s features and Charlie knew she had done the right thing.
“Just go.”
“But I…”
“No. Just please go.”
Charlie couldn’t stop the flood of tears as she moved off the love seat and toward the attic door knowing that she would never be able to look at him the same way again. She had hurt him beyond repair and the guilt from that would never pass.
“I’m sorry Ford.”
The only acknowledgment he gave her was looking away and not looking back. Not even for a split second. She hurried out the door trying to grasp what she had just done. Of course she had to do it but did she really need to tell him she was in love with someone else? It wasn’t exactly a lie. She felt something for Zane but she didn’t know how deep those feelings went and she realized that no matter what happened with the war and with Zane, she would never have another chance with Ford… Ever.
She ran past El’ and Matt ignoring their shouts of ‘What happened?’, ‘Charlie, are you ok?’, ‘Where’s Ford?’ She went straight up to her room at Zane’s house, knowing now that if he would allow it, it would also be her own house. After what she had done to Ford, Eloise would never allow her to move back in there, even if their friendship could survive they wouldn’t be able to live together again.
About an hour later she heard a soft knock on the door but chose to ignore it, she didn’t really feel like talking to anyone right now least of all any of her friends but the fact that she didn’t answer didn’t stop Zane from barging into her room anyway.
“What’s happened?”
She couldn’t decide whether she was ignoring him or just couldn’t find the right words, either way she didn’t answer again.
“I have a pretty good feeling I know what happened but why?”
“How do you know what happened Zane? I never said anything to anyone.”
“Well the shiner on my left eye is a bit of a giveaway and the fact that it was Ford that gave it to me… I’m guessing you broke up with him but why? You guys are perfect for each other, we all know that.”
Charlie heard the pain in his voice at admitting that Charlie and Ford were well suited and again she felt more guilt. Why did she keep hurting the people she loved? First Zane, then Ford and now Zane again, she’d even managed to hurt El’ however indirectly it may have been. She didn’t want to tell him the real reasons for breaking up with Ford, not now. So when she opened her mouth to speak again she had no choice but to lie for the third time in one day.
“People grow apart Zane, it happens.”
“Yea ok I get it, you don’t want to talk.”
“Not really no. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, takes a lot more than a fist to the eye to take me down.”
He moved over to sit beside Charlie on her bed; she scooted over to make room for him to lay down with her. She needed… She wasn’t really sure what she needed but she knew she didn’t want to be alone. She rested her head on Zane’s chest and fell into a deep dreamless sleep for the first time in weeks.
It was dark when Charlie woke again. Still curled up on Zane’s chest listening to the slow labored breathing, she knew he was asleep. She didn’t want to move and wake him so she just lay wrapped in the warmth of his arms for a while longer before sliding out and heading down the stairs to the basement. Her days were numbered now and she had wasted too much time grieving and sleeping away the pain and guilt she felt over Ford. Now though, she would put all those emotions to good use and train as hard as she could until the time came when the rain would stop and the inevitable would happen.
Zane joined her half an hour later, looking a lot fresher than she did, having showered and dressed in clean clothes.
“Hey, you do know it’s 1am right?”
; “Yep.”
“Yea, who needs sleep anyway…”
“We slept all day Zane, why do you need to sleep all night?”
“I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“Trying to block the hurt over Ford with physical pain. It’s how I deal as well.”
Charlie stopped beating on the seventy pound bag that was hanging from the roof of the small basement and stopped the swaying before she walked toward Zane, desperately trying to stay strong. There was no way she was going to let herself end up an emotional mess now. She needed to focus as much as possible on stopping this war before it got out of hand and she couldn’t do that if she was locked away in a bedroom crying over breaking someone’s heart.
Zane held her in his arms, not saying anything, just holding onto her and holding her together. Lifting her face to look at his a silent note of acknowledgment passed through the two of them. She knew he was the only one that would be by her side until the end now. She wouldn’t allow her other friends to be anyway near her when the time came, even if they wanted to be there. She couldn’t bear to see the crushed face of her best friend or the spark of anger that would leave Ford’s eyes and be replaced by sadness at her loss. It might make her cowardly to feel that way but it was for their own benefit as much as hers. They had all witnessed more death than anyone should have to lately and she wasn’t going to add her own demise to that pile of painful images. No, she would make sure she was well away from them when her time came.
“I don’t want them seeing.”
Zane didn’t have to ask what she was talking about, he knew it by seeing the light in her eyes almost extinguish completely as her thoughts had taken a darker turn. He kissed her on the forehead gently and whispered just one word.